
An amateur historian.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Caligula's Real Name

Caligula is the name of the most insane and bloodthirsty of the Roman Caesars. Caligula wasn't his real name, though. His real name was Gaius Caesar. His father was Germanicus, brother of Claudius (of "I, Claudius" fame).

Caligula actually is roughly translated in English to "Bootikin" or "little boots." It was an affectionate nickname given him by the Roman troops because he grew up among them during his father's military campaigns and wore a miniature uniform in the camp.

He was insane by the time he became emperor. He committed incest with his sister Drusilla and made his horse a senator. He would take a senators' wife out of a banquet, have sex with her, and then return to the banquet and describe her sexual attributes in front of the whole audience, including the humiliated senator.

He was eventually assassinated on January 24, 41 A.D. He had ruled for 4 terrorizing years. He was only 29 when he died. His uncle Claudius succeeded him as emperor.

Source: Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Suetonius


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