
An amateur historian.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Cleopatra was Greek, not Egyptian

Cleopatra was the last Queen of Egypt. She was a Greek by birth, however, not Egyptian. She was Cleopatra VII, part of the Ptolemy line of Macedonian rulers that ruled Egypt after the death of Alexander the Great in 323 b.c.

She had an affair with Julius Caesar and bore him a son, named Ptolemy Caesar . After Caesars's death in 44 b.c. she took Mark Antony as her lover.

Mark Antony committed suicide some time after she and her fleet abandoned Antony at the critical naval battle near Actium in 31 b.c. The battle pitted Antony and Cleopatra against Octavian for rule of the whole Roman Empire.

Cleopatra committed her famous suicide, at the age of 39. Julius Caesar's son was murdered, as was customary in those times, on the orders of Octavian. This was to prevent any possible future hereditary challengers to Octavian's reign.

Octavian became Caesar Augustus, the first Roman emperor. He ruled until his death in A.D. 14.

Source: The Roman History, Cassius Dio


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